Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ignoramuses? Ignorami? Idioots.

I like talking. Hah - how redundant is that statement? Not only that, I like talking with big words. Long, polysyllabic words. Supercilious, lugubrious, gargantuan... I love them.

At work we are split up into teams. I'm in a team with two twits - a British guy and a Scot. Lovely fellows. Not big on extensive vocab though. They think I'm taking the piss when I say things like 'telephonic' and 'conglomerate'.

They try to convince me that these words don't exist. Telephonic, I can borderline accept. Most people would just say 'telephone', even if the context is wrong. Fine. But conglomerate? Seriously... native English-speaking (with degrees in BUSINESS) men, and they don't know what a conglomerate is?

Call me condescending, but the idea is simply asinine. They've been speaking the language for the last 25 years. Get a dictionary already. Sorry, was that word too long? Dic-tion-ary.

Omigod, don't even get me started on words they do understand... Dic... I said dic. How funny is that? Nuts. Balls. Cock... tail.

It's like working with Beavis and Butthead. Reference to anything with a vague genitalia connotation is met with snorts and guffaws. Fortunately, I also vocalise quite clearly in shorter, four-letter words. So we can communicate... All I have to do is lobotomise my vocabulary and say things like, "penis".


matt said...

I won't lie koeks I find myself reaching for the dictionary reading your blogg. Big fan by the way! So how's the recruitment/matchmaking going anyway?

Catalyst said...

Heh, you said penis...

How you doing, Koeks? You must check Ballie's pics from Croatia - fekking awesome stuff!

Revolving Credit said...

Do you think that cunnilingus is too complex a word for them??

Throw it into a random conversation and see if they pickup on it.

Koekie said...

hahaha Rev, thanks for the prompt. I'll see how they respond to the mention of a cunning linguist...

G-Pool: What a surprise! It's still early days, but I'm enjoying work - not bored just yet.

Catalyst: you'd get on with these twits :-P

Anonymous said...

Kate, are you working with a mongoose and a mouse? Are they mongeeses, mice, mouses. Do you ever remember a story about a zoo keeper who needed a pair of mongooses? Wrote a letter requesting one (not knowing what the plural might be,) and then, in a PS, said 'please send me another one'.