Monday, July 28, 2008

3 Reasons to...

...get married:
  1. You get a new ring, new clothes and new shoes.
  2. Lots of presents. I like presents.
  3. You get to go on a decadent, smoochie holiday.

...have children:

  1. You get to call them things like "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii", "Fish and Chips" and "Sexfruit".
  2. You get to dress them in things like this.
  3. You get a pram to run over other (pramless) shopper's toes - with 'inadvertant' aggression.


matt said...

Koekie, you crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Sexfruit?? Please, tell more...

Koekie said...

Unfortunately, Vendetta, I can't claim to have come up with that name. I wish I did.

The most inventive names I can think of for potential offspring are "ChingChing" (Japanese slang for penis) and "Twat". Otherwise, I've always been a fan of random numbering (Seventeen and Nine were always favourites)

Anonymous said...

God I hope you have children soon!

Catalyst said...

Wait, you've posted an article about people with weird names?

What about people with weird second and third names? Ahem...

Koekie said...

Catalyst, I know not of what you speak. Now shut it.